
Helping our youth to become productive citizens with a strong love for God and country.

Scouting Since 2006

Main Street UMC has been a long time supporter of scouting. Our Boy Scout troop is one of the oldest troops in the country, founded in 1923. Our Girl Scout Troop has been a part of Main Street since 2006.

Not only does Main Street provide the location for the weekly meetings, but our congregation members are active as leaders and volunteers. At Main Street, we believe that participation in scouting enables our youth to become productive citizens with a strong love for God and country.

Scouting Since 2006

Main Street UMC has been a long time supporter of scouting. Our Boy Scout troop is one of the oldest troops in the country, founded in 1923. Our Girl Scout Troop has been a part of Main Street since 2006.

Not only does Main Street provide the location for the weekly meetings, but our congregation members are active as leaders and volunteers. At Main Street, we believe that participation in scouting enables our youth to become productive citizens with a strong love for God and country.

Boy Scouts

Cold weather camping. Outdoor adventures. Life and Leadership Skills.
Loyalty to country. Love of God.

Boy Scout Troop 1, founded in 1923
Do you have a son between ages 11 and 17? Troop 1 has a year-round scouting program with at least one outing per month. Meetings are held every Tuesday at Main Street from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

For more information click/tap here to email Scoutmaster Andrew McCauley.

Cub Scout Pack 1
Do you have a first through fifth grader looking to have some FUN? Cub Scout Pack 1 is a year round program which holds den meetings weekly beginning in September and running through May. In addition, Cub Scout Pack 1 holds various events throughout the year including three summer events.

For more information, click/tap here to email Marie Baker.

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make their communities and the world a better place.

Girl scouting has been a part of Main Street since 2006. We have over 45 registered scouts and 9 women volunteers. Our girl scouts are divided into groups based on age: Daisies (K and 1st grade), Brownies (2nd and 3rd grade), Juniors (4th and 5th grade), Cadettes (6th – 8th grade), Seniors (9th and 10th grade), and Ambassadors (11th and 12th grade).

Troop 5357 meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 – 7:30 pm at Main Street.

Dues are $15/year

Yearly activities include: Troop outings, Daddy/Daughter Dance, Caroling at the Nursing Home, Veteran’s Day Service, Mother/Daughter Tea, camping, and selling cookies!

Do you have a daughter interested in scouting?
Click/tap here to email Libby Hiner.

Main Street Day Care and Preschool Contact Info
