Find out why you belong at Main Street.
A historic, loving congregation.
What's Happening at Main Street
EACH SUNDAY AT 8:30 and 11:00 am
Our 2023 Theme for the year is “Live a Life with Love.” We will offer many opportunities to explore the concept of living a life filled with love. Loving God and loving others through our witness, service, prayers, presence and gifts.
Classic Car Show
Sept. 14, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Come join the fun at Main Street for this great downtown event. We are excited to offer our second Classic Car Show in our parking lot from 11:00 to 3:00 pm. There will be other activities to enjoy as well!
Calling All Artists
Are you an artist and we don't know it? Do you paint or draw, sculpt or take wonderful pictures? Do you have a family member who is an artist? We are planning to display the art of our members in the Atrium in conjunction with the Taste of Suffolk and the Plein Air Wet Paint artist event. Let us know if you are willing to share your talents for a Main Street UMC artist showcase! Contact Barbara if you are willing to participate! gro.cmutsniam@arabraB